Discover our range of IK handheld sprayers. Get professional results with IK Sprayers.
Common uses of handheld sprayers
Our range of handheld sprayers is equipped with the maximum features to guarantee the greatest safety during application and ease of use of the tool. These sprayers are designed to be able to carry out different jobs and tasks with a professional use: application of cleaning and disinfection products, treatments with solvents or acids, machinery maintenance, disinfection of public spaces and even the spraying of liquid food.
IK MULTI TR 1 360Resistant to most cleaning and disifection products (specially optimal for alcohols)
MULTI TR MINI 360Resistant to most cleaning and disifection products (specially optimal for alcohols)
IK MULTI TR 1Resistant to most cleaning and disinfection products as well as dilute acids.
IK WATER SUPPLY TANKFor the supply of pressurised water in cutting and grinding machines
When to choose a manual sprayer
Handheld sprayers are suitable for a wide variety of spraying jobs in sectors such as construction, industry, automotive, cleaning and disinfection or in the food sector.
Their simplicity and robustness make them a very resistant and easy to maintain tool, with reliability being their greatest advantage.
When it comes to spraying aggressive chemicals or reaching places that are difficult to access, IK manual sprayers are the best solution.
Find out which model suits you best and see all the features it has to offer.
Manual Sprayers for the most demanding jobs
IK Handheld sprayers are designed to offer the greatest comfort during spraying tasks, and are made from high-quality materials. In this way, we achieve the greatest resistance and durability of each of our products. At IK we are committed to innovation and that is why we offer you the best solutions available on the market.
The portability of the manual sprayers makes application possible anywhere without the need to access external power supplies.