IK Sprayers
By experts for experts
IK Sprayers is the brand of the Spraying business of the Goizper Group cooperative aimed at the industrial sectors. Since the foundation of our company, we have offered safe, resistant and innovative products in the most professional segments: Construction, Cleaning & Disinfection, Industry & Maintenance, Automotive & Car Detailing, Virus and Epidemic Control, Public Health, Pest Control, and Food Industry.
Manufacturers of sprayers with an important track record, backed by more than 60 years of experience and work in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard, accredited by external auditors in periodic reviews.
Our brand
Behind the IK brand there is an international group of people united by the passion to develop new ways of spraying, where our main objective is to make it easier for our users to work in applications in which the safety, robustness and performance of their tools are the key to a successful outcome.
IK is a brand focused on the customer, on achievement, change, innovation and on the personal development of its participants. Our philosophy when designing new solutions seeks to understand the needs of users and capture the shortcomings of the market, in order to develop products that can better resolve their problems, make their work easier, and allow us to evolve. These products are manufactured using carefully selected materials that offer maximum resistance in order to meet the requirements of a professional tool.
Our strategy is based on the continuous development of spraying solutions that provide a high added value and allow us to be closer to our users, strengthening our position in the global market.
Join us and choose your IK
Every year the IK brand grows and gains presence all over the world. IK is constantly developing new solutions for different needs in more than 110 countries on 5 continents. We have an extensive distribution network which aims to reach every corner with our products and services, ensuring customer satisfaction.

Goizper Headquarters
T.:+34 943786000 spraying@goizper.comAddress Antigua, 4 20577 Antzuola Gipuzkoa, Spain -
Goizper Central Europe
T.:+31 (0) 161 437 770 goizper-ce@goizper.comAddress Ambachtsweg 4-A2, NL-4854MK BAVEL Holland -
Goizper France
T.:+34 60 22 49 442 mlegembre@goizper.com -
Goizper Portugal
T.:+34 943 78 6000 spraying@goizper.com -
Solo Sprayers Limited
T.:+44 01702 297134 sales@solosprayers.co.ukAddress 48 Vanguard Way, Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9QY. -
Goizper Spraying CIS
T.:+7 965 305 47 12 goizperspraying-cis@goizper.com
Goizper Central America
T.:(503) 2298 2722 hflores@goizper.comAddress Calle "A" Pasaje 2, Casa 114. P.O. 483 San Salvador El Salvador -
Matabi do Brasil
T.:+55 11 5524-1663 contato@matabi.com.brAddress Rua Amaro Leite, 160 04763-060 São Paulo Brasil -
Goizper Spraying NA, INC
T.:+1 877 529 8722 sales@goizperna.comAddress Tarkiln Place 67 New Bedford, MA 02745 United States
Goizper East Africa
T.:+254 725 115938 akariuki@goizper.comAddress Nairobi Kenya -
Goizper West Afica
T.:+223 20281869 goizper@afribone.net.mlAddress B.P.:E 4843 Bamako Mali
Goizper Asia-Pacific
T.:+6012 683 95 33 tk@goizper.comAddress 26, Lorong Mangga 51200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia -
Goizper Middle East
T.:+962 6 565 5750 tariq.abusaleh@royaltechagro.comAddress P.O. Box 922167 Amman 11192 Jordan